Community Engagement


The County of Imperial is committed to the economic opportunities of Lithium Valley benefiting the residents who call Imperial Valley home. We have developed educational, workforce, and community benefit strategies to support this goal and ensure a prospering local economy. We are building an environmentally-safe, innovative, and vibrant Lithium Valley that is welcoming of new businesses who wish to co-locate. Join us!

Review our Reports

As new data reports are released, they can be viewed and downloaded on this page

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View Lithium Valley Media

Interested in seeing the current and planned developments in Lithium Valley? Check back often for new photos!

Understand the Process

Explore this page to learn more about the Specific Plan, Programmatic EIR, and more

What is SB 125?

On June 30, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill (SB) 125 authorizing the state to assist in developing Imperial County’s lithium resource in an area that is a part of the Salton Sea Known Geothermal Resource Area, known as Lithium Valley. Among other provisions, SB 125 appropriated funding to develop a Lithium Valley Specific Plan and Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and to distribute grants to local community-based organizations to conduct engagement related to the Specific Plan and PEIR.

Who is Creating the Reports?

Imperial County has hired RICK and Dudek consultants to create the reports with community engagement from local residents as well as several advisory groups.

Salton sea aerial view

Lithium Valley Baseline Report

The Lithium Valley Baseline Report is intended to provide a baseline of current conditions in the Lithium Valley area, prior to any expansion to the area. This report is important to establish a baseline that will allow the county and community to differentiate between conditions existing prior to Lithium Valley development and future new conditions

Lithium Valley Programmatic EIR

and Specific Plan

The Lithium Valley Specific Plan and PEIR is intended to map out and expedite the development and permitting of additional power plants, mineral recovery, lithium battery manufacturing, and other renewable industries within an approximately 51,786-acre area adjacent to the Salton Sea

Community Engagement by Local Environmental Justice Groups

As part of SB 125, $720,000 was allocated to community based groups in Imperial County to conduct 12-months of engagement related to the Specific Plan and PEIR. Click below to see the allocation of funds, engagement conducted, and reported feedback from the community

Commitment to Community

The communities surrounding the Lithium Valley are small, rural communities that are considered disadvantaged and underserved with majority Latin population. These areas suffer from a combination of high poverty rates, high unemployment rates, and high incidences of asthma.

Therefore, it is a priority of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors to ensure that community and environmental impacts are mitigated, and that benefits are achieved for the residents and communities in and around Lithium Valley. Some ways to achieve these benefits is through community enhancements, increasing access to higher educational opportunities, and expanding vocational and technical development of the necessary workforce.

Over the past few years, the County of Imperial has been actively engaging with stakeholders, including community-based organizations, industry representatives, governmental entities, and academia professionals, in formal and informal settings, to develop a plan that will promote and facilitate economic development while addressing the needs of the community. Some of the organizations that have participated in the discussions regarding this potential development, impacts, and preferred outcomes have been:

Alianza Coachella Valley, Amigos de la Comunidad, Audubon California, BHE Renewables, CalEnergy, California Energy Commission, City of Brawley, City of Calipatria, Coalition of Labor, Agriculture, and Business, Comite Civico del Valle, Inc., Controlled Thermal Resources, EnergySource Minerals, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial Valley College, Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation, Office of Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, Salton Sea Authority, San Diego State University, University California Riverside

This document is a summary of all comments received from the public regarding: The Lithium Valley Specific Plan PEIR, SCH # 2023120104

In May 2023, Imperial County held the first Community Workshop in collaboration with RICK Consultants to provide an update to the community on the Lithium Valley Specific Plan and PEIR

In October 2023, Imperial County held the second Community Workshop in collaboration with RICK Consultants to provide an update to the community on the Lithium Valley Specific Plan and PEIR